It is convenience transportation in Taiwan, free bike

When we go to Taipei city, we have lots of choices in transportation, such as bus, train, taxi, Uber, or "U-bike."

At first, we have to bid the easy card, like below, 
It take you 100 TWD, then we need to save money.
If you stay here for 2 days, I recommend save 300 TWD, do not worry, we can take it out before we come back to native country.

But what is U-bike, check below, 
picture link: china post 

How much is it?
first 30 minutes, it is 5 TWD
second 30 minutes is 10 TWD...

So if we ride U-bike in  4 hours, it is cost 75 TWD

And we can use in Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Changhua, Taichung.

we also can use website to know, where is U-bike stop which we can borrow it.


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