How is Taiwan climate?

Our climate is very cool, the most cold temperature is about 10 degree, the most low degree is about 35 degree. There are more foreigners for business in Taipei. If tourist like nature who will go to Hualien.

pic from :

Taiwan lies on the Tropic of Cancer, and it is general climate is marine tropical. The northern and central regions are subtropical, whereas the south is tropical and the mountainous regions are temperate.

The average rainfall is 2,600 millimetre per year for the island proper.

The rainy season is concurrent with the onset of summer East Asian Monsoon in May and June.

The entire island experiences hot, humid weather from June through September. Typhoons are most common in July, August and September.

During the winter (November to March), the northeast experiences steady rain, while the central and southern parts of the island are mostly sunny.

So If you like beach you can come in July and August in Hualien and Kenting. Or If you want see the aboriginal culture, you can in this month too.

pic from

our aboriginal

If you like night market, I guess you can come every month.

So what will you like ?

I like beach much ~


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